Environmental Services

EMCS is dedicated to providing our clients information about the potential impacts their project could have on the environment and how to effectively minimize those impacts and reduce risk. Our environmental services team has a thorough knowledge of state and federal environmental regulations and permitting requirements. This, coupled with our technical expertise, allows us to provide unique solutions to keep your project on schedule and within budget.  

 Environmental Permitting and Compliance 

  • Multi-Media Compliance Audits 
  • Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans 
  • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) 
  • Environmental Impact Statements 
  • NEPA Compliance 
  • Underground Storage Tank (UST) Compliance 
  • Hazardous Waste Compliance 

 Ecological Services 

  • Habitat Management Plans 
  • Wetland Delineation, Mitigation and Monitoring 
  • Invasive Species Management 
  • Stream Assessment and Restoration 
  • Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys 

Environmental Documentation

  • Environmental Assessment (EA)
  • Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

Leverage our extensive knowledge and relationships with state and federal agencies to efficiently move your project through the process.